Two Pre-Christmas Miracles

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This past week was sooo wonderful! I had two little pre-Christmas miracles. These were little acknowledgements like winks from God that He is watching over me, responding to me, and showing that He cares for me because He loves me.

First, I had been racking my brain for over a week trying to remember the name of a song I played four years ago to accompany the children of my church congregation singing at a Christmas party. I just could not remember it, neither the title nor the composer of the song. I was so sad because it is such a joyful song and I didn’t want to miss playing it this year. At one point I had the sheet music for it but after my move from AZ who knows where that ended up. I even Googled for it using what search terms I could remember: “song about baby Jesus by Canadian woman”. No luck! In case you don’t know, Google does NOT know everything! I hate to break it to you, LOL. So, I’m driving on one of my many “mom errands” and I had just parked the car and was about to get out. From out of nowhere, this small voice in my head said to me, “The name is Maren Ord.” What?! Wait, yes, that’s it!!!” I thought. “That’s the name of the Canadian woman who wrote the song about Baby Jesus! Thank you God!!!” A quick search with that name turned up the song. It’s called “Born to Be a King.” Now I can play it every day for this Christmas season! Yay!!! It’s so beautiful! I present the sheet music and music video of it to you below! You’re welcome!

Here’s the sheet music on Maren’s site. Scroll down to the middle and click on “Born to Be a King (Sheet Music)” under “Resources.”

The making of this beautiful music was a miracle in itself. Maren says, on the site “Writing this song was one of those times when you don’t feel like it’s you writing. After some prayer and reflection the song came while I was on one of my evening walks. I hurried home and spent the rest of the night writing this song.  The next day I added the descant, and that is when it felt complete.” Thank you God for inspiring Maren to write such a beautiful song.

The second miracle is that I found a romantic Christmas movie involving marriage that is clean, Christ-promoting, and FUNNY! Dear husband and I watched it for date night recently. It was good to laugh so hard. Read about that here! I am excited to watch all the movies made by the same actor/producer/director for all our December date nights.

P.S. If you want lots more links to unusual Christmas songs, get my Family Devotionals Ebook here. These are not your usual Christmas carols. They are songs that have appeared in the magazines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1971. I’m in the process of printing them collecting them in a three-ring binder that I keep at my piano. Every morning or night I play one or two on the piano as a signal to my children that my husband and I want them to gather for family prayer. They are just all so lovely, I enjoy them so much.

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