Homeopathy Book Club for Moms and Moms to Be!

Come join me for Paola Brown’s Homeopathy Book Club for Moms! This is for aspiring Dr. Moms everywhere! In this class you will learn how to take care of acute first aid cases at home so you can lessen trips to the doctor, saving you time and money! You will gain confidence and peace of mind as well.

I use my knowledge of homeopathy soooo much. It has saved me a lot of money and time! You can read one of my homeopathy healing stories here. Then there was the time I healed myself of laryngitis, another time I healed myself of vertigo and food poisoning, the time I healed my daughter of menstrual cramps, another daughter’s cold and sore throat, my son’s earache on a family vacation, and many more illnesses amidst family members! Homeopathy is amazing!

In this book club we read and discuss the first ever storybook about homeopathy, called Evie and the Secret of Small Things, written by Paola Brown.

Photo Credit: paolabrown.com

Here’s why it’s so cool:

-it’s for newbies to homeopathy, laying a sound foundation to learn about this completely reliable and amazing system of medicine

-it’s also for not so newbies, who want to clarify understanding of things like the law of similars, provings, using a materia medica, how to take a case, and how to use a repertory

-you learn what potency and dosing can look like for an acute case

-you learn how we need to avoid bias when taking a case

-you learn about the history of homeopathy with Samuel Hahnemann as you delve deeper into the dangers of suppressing disease.

you also learn to think about various treatments found in conventional medicine

-you learn what sources are used for homeopathy remedies

-you get to watch interviews Paola did with the director of pharmacy at Boiron

-you will learn how to find a homeopath for your family and best practices to use

-dive into terrain theory, and learn who was right? Bechamp or Pasteur?

-you learn how to make a health and illness timeline for each member of your family

-you get to practice taking lots of cases to boost your confidence for doing it in real life

-you learn the key notes for 19 remedies each used for acute cases: Allium cepa, Nat mur, Arnica montana, Rhus tox, Bryonia alba, and Silicea, Symphytum, Ledum, Apis, Arsenicum, and Nux vomica, Cantharis, Causticum, and Urtica urens, Hypericum, Staphysagria, Belladonna, Carbo veg, Aconitum napellus

-the Online Book Club Area includes over 45 custom made or curated videos tailored to the Book Club to help you and your friends make the most of the material.

Photo Credit; paolabrown.com

-you get a fabulous, fun Graduation Gift! (digital, included with Handbook)

For all your dedication and hard work in completing this 8-week Book Club Program, and to support your journey of growing homeopathy knowledge, Paola is so pleased to provide you with an amazing, special digital gift. It provides you access to digital copies of several forgotten (yet truly wonderful) homeopathy books, a coupon book for homeopathy related products from several of the best homeopathy stores, access to continuing education resources from some of Paola’s favorite homeopaths, and additional printables and infographics. This is indeed a small treasure chest of value that Paola and I know you will enjoy!

Logistics of Class:

-8 weeks

Tuesday nights, starts Tues. 8/29, 7:15 to 9:15 MDT, online. We will skip the week of 10/10 for a fall break. Last week of class is Tues. 10/24.

In Zoom, so no need to pay a babysitter… put the kids in front of a screen, book, or game, and come in your PJs with some treats!

tuition fee is $95, $40 early bird price if you register by Friday, August 4, midnight. Pay by Venmo to @Celestia-Shumway or PayPal, using info (at) treeoflifemothering (dot) com. Please include your email address in the notes section so I get you the details about joining the class.

If needing to pay an alternate way, please send an email to: info (at) treeoflifemothering (dot) com and let me know what method you want to use.

at least $89 materials fee, which you order here. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and order the following pictured below (these prices are the discount prices which occurs when you buy at least 2 items):

Evie and the Secret of the Small Things, for $53

Photo Credit: paolabrown.com

and the Book Club Handbook, for $36

Photo Credit: paolabrown.com

Those materials are required for the class. If you want to invest in something extra, but so lovely and infinitely handy for your family’s health life, I suggest you get the beautiful hardcover Family Homeopathy Journal. It’s $59. Again, order all the materials here.

Photo Credit: paolabrown.com

Come join us and empower yourself with healing in your hands!