
I created the first three of these products:

You can read my book here for free which gives my general philosophy of Mormon-based mothering, called Tree of Life Mothering Volume 1.

My Celestial Guide for Family Devotionals ebook is here with a button to click and buy.

My Lose 70 Lbs Without Exercise ebook is  available here to buy.


I love and heartily recommend these products below created by other people to create a life of love, liberty, robust health, posterity, and the pursuit of happiness.

For general knowledge about liberty, to read and share with your family:

The Tuttle Twins - a child's foundation of freedom

The Tuttle Twins books, shop here.

For a Happy Marriage:

This is the best book on why marriage matters:

Dave Ramsey’s books provide the best guidance for a firm financial foundation for marriage.

Wife for Life by Ramona Zabriskie is the best guide for understanding men and how to stay in love with a non-abusive husband. Covenants Hearts gives you the “why” for marriage, and Wife for Life gives you the nuts-and-bolts “how.”

For Being a Wise Steward of Your Fertility:

Take Charge of Your Fertility

For consecrating your fertility to God, see Family Unplanning.





For understanding how breastfeeding plays a role in fertility:

I also like Sheila Kippley’s book specifically for Catholic moms, even though I’m not Catholic. She outlines such a beautiful plan for consecrating your fertility, womanhood, wifehood, your breastfeeding and your baby to God.

For Happy Cooking, Eating, and Robust Bodies:

The above cookbook is the Bible of traditional, whole food, real food cooking. Use it to feel completely nourished. It is a bit unwieldy to peruse while breastfeeding however, or to keep cracked open on the counter. Some of the recipes are also a bit complicated.

Use the following cookbooks to find recipes that are are also real food but more mama-friendly in their ease of preparation. By studying the principles of how macronutrients fuel us in these books, you will be able to fix food that you, your husband, and kids love to eat without creating insulin resistance as you age. You will be able to gain weight without it being overwhelming during pregnancy and then be able to slim down wisely postpartum.







The Top 5 BFFs for Life With Baby, these are indispensable!

 A Soft Baby Carrier

 The Happiest Baby on the Block, DVD by Dr. Harvey Karp for happy babies who sleep well.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, for the classic, definitive, mentored guide to breastfeeding. Full of grandmotherly wisdom, tons of tips, and evidence-based backing for breastfeeding.

So That’s What They’re For! so you get even more support for nursing. Compared to the WAB, this is more like a girlfriend’s guide to breastfeeding.

 The No Cry Sleep Solution, see Elizabeth Pantley’s other sleep and parenting books here. They are all wonderful!

 For a Happy Life With Growing Kids:

The No Cry Potty Solution


The No Cry Discipline Solution

A House United: Teaching Self-Government

Londyn LaRae Says OK, and Nicholeen’s other books here.

Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

For Sustainable Homeschooling:

The above was the first book on homeschooling I bought, back in 1998. It’s full or wisdom for homeschooling for the long haul.

If you don’t think homeschooling works, read this book! It’s great evidence to hand to someone who doesn’t believe it works and insists on being right and nosy. Don’t feel pressure to have your kids to go to college by age 13, just be inspired that it can happen if you and the kid both desire it!

A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille. Despite the controversy around TJED, these books have great principles on how to homeschool sustainably, especially if you have a big family.

Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning by Oliver and Rachel DeMille, the nuts-and-bolts how-to for applying TJEd philosophy in your home.

The Read Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie, full of tips on how to create a book-loving culture in your home.

Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie. It’s so affirming!

Give Your Child the World by Jamie C. Martin, chock-full of lists of picture books and chapter books of stories that take place around the world.