The Winners of the Drawing for the July 2016 Eternal Warriors Healthy Eating Class Are….

The winners of the Eternal Warriors Healthy Eating class are…(drumroll please)

Linda Hansen for the newbies and Stephanie for the returning students.

I will be emailing you the details about the class on Monday, June 27th.

For those of you who didn’t win…please come register at the discounted price! The early bird discount ends tomorrow, Saturday, June 25. Get all the details here

It is a wonderful class! Here is what one mom in the current session says about it:

I will forever be thankful to Celestia and her EW Healthy Eating Class. Before her class, I would constantly try and lose weight only to stop after a couple of weeks because it was just too hard! With Celestia’s tools and techniques I have been able to get through my emotional eating, grow spiritually, and finally stick with my weight loss plan.  I have lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks and continue to be amazed at how well I am doing. I am on the road to losing 50 more pounds and I am not looking back! Thanks for everything!

Amy B.

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